In recent years, interest in the urban forest has also grown significantly among Italian politicians who, within the PNRR, have provided for the measure “Urban, peri-urban and extra-urban forestry in metropolitan cities” with an initial budget of 330 million euros which was then reduced. by 30%.
In line with national and European Union strategies, the investment includes a series of actions aimed at the 14 metropolitan cities, to improve the quality of life and well-being of citizens of all metropolitan municipalities through reforestation interventions that combat the problems linked to air pollution, the impact of climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Specifically, the projects that have been financed over these years are aimed at:
- preserving and enhancing widespread naturalness, biodiversity and ecological processes linked to fully functional and resilient ecosystems;
- contribute to the reduction of air pollution and the removal of particulate matter in metropolitan areas, thus helping to protect human health;
- contribute to reducing air quality infringement procedures;
- recover anthropized landscapes by enhancing the suburbs and ecological connections with rural internal areas (ecological corridors, territorial ecological networks) and the system of protected areas;
- curb land consumption and restore useful soil.
As part of the celebrations of the centenary of its foundation, the University of Bari Aldo Moro, in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Bari, the Urban Green Working Group of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), the National Center for Agricultural Technologies AGRITECH Spoke 7 – Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems that improve agro-ecological and socioeconomic sustainability and NBS Italy hub organized a conference calling on project managers in some metropolitan areas to intervene Italian authorities, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security which managed this measure of the PNRR and the Alberitalia Foundation which has as its main aim the contrast and mitigation of human-induced climate change through the use of urban forestation and solutions based on nature, also pursuing civic, solidarity and socially useful purposes.
9.30am Opening of work
Introduction, Giovanni Sanesi, Coordinator of the Urban Green GDL/University of Bari Aldo Moro
9.45 Urban forests at the crossroads: trivialization or unavoidable prospect? Fabio Salbitano, University of Sassari/Alberitalia Foundation
10.05 Urban forestry interventions: fashion or valid alternative? An initial assessment of the experience City of Turin, Gian Michele Cirulli, Municipality of Turin
10.25 Mixed and uneven-aged plantations in peri-urban areas, Paolo Mori, Compagnia delle Foreste
10.45 From Boscoincittà to Forestami: critical issues, opportunities, prospects, Enrico Calvo, Forestami Project Manager
11.05 Forestami: a concrete experience of a new Natural Capital in the metropolitan city of Milan, Ricardo Gini, Director of the North Milan Park/Technical Director of Forestami.
11.25 Planting trees in the city. Critical reflections 5 years after the start of the Forestami project, Maria Chiara Pastore Politecnico di Milano
11.45 Boscoincittà. 50 years of urban forestry. Lorenzo Guerci and Paola Pirelli, Boscoincittà/ Urban Forestry Center – CFU Italia Nostra
12.05 The spontaneous urban forest: new opportunities for urban regeneration, Giovanni Trentanovi, CNR/IRET
12.25 Discussion
1.00pm Conclusions
The meeting will take place in hybrid mode: it will be possible to participate in person or connect in real time via the Microsoft Teams platform, using the following link: https://urly.it/311yja