The NbS Asian Hub announces the entry of five new partners into its cooperation network during the eighth IUCN Asia Conservation Forum (RCF).
This development further strengthens the Hub’s role as a central platform for promoting and implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Asia. The event, titled “Nature-based Solutions in Asia: Practices, Perspectives and Roadmap”, witnessed the signing of letters of intent by new organizations from Cambodia, India, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The new partners include:
1. Department of Conservation of Protected Areas of Tonle Sap, Cambodia
2. Applied Environmental Research Foundation, India
3. Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts, Thailand
4. Center for Environmental and Community Research, Vietnam
5. Center for Sustainable Rural Development, Vietnam

These organizations join the founding partners, including the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of Peking University, further consolidating the network.
Dr. Radhika Murti, Director of the IUCN Centre for Societal Transformation, emphasized IUCN’s commitment to integrating NbS across various sectors, including climate change, agriculture, and water security.
The expansion of the NbS Asian Hub network represents a significant step towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. NbS provide an integrated approach to addressing environmental and social challenges, contributing to climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation.
During the event, the inaugural publication in English, titled Xiamen Practice: A Case Study of Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Coastal City Development, was presented. This report is the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Natural Resources of China and the NbS Asian Hub.
The document is currently available for consultation in the IUCN Library at the following link:
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