Save the Date: 21 December 2022 from 9.00 to 13.30
The main objective of the meeting is to revise the priority areas of work of the working groups for 2023, and discuss the contribution that they could give to the upcoming 2nd WFUF, to be held in Washington D.C. in October 2023.
The workshop will be opened by the Webinar Urban forestry and urban greening in drylands organized for the launch of the FAO publication “Urban forestry and urban greening in drylands: improving resilience, health, and wellbeing of urban communities”, developed by FAO Forestry in the framework of the Green Urban Oases Programme, launched by FAO in 2021, to support dryland cities in Africa, Near East and Asia, strengthen their policy and technical capacity to design and implement integrated urban forestry and urban greening strategies to address local challenges and sustainably increase the well-being and resilience of their urban communities.
The webinar is organized in the framework of the Silva Mediterranea TreeCities4MED Webinar series. Registrations at the following link: https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrcemrrDMoHNd_4QoySyTItAoI2eKZEEQd#/registration
• Introduction – by Simone Borelli, Urban Forestry Officer, FAO
• Dryland forests – by Anders Malmer, Adjunct Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Chair of the COFO Working Group on Dryland Forests and agrosilvopastoralsystems
• From urban desert to forest cities: is that the way? – by Fabio Salbitano, Professor, University of
Florence; SISEF Member, FAO Senior Forestry expert, Italy
• Challenges and opportunities for UPF in Amman, Jordan – by Maher Jamal Tadros, Professor, Jordan
University of Science and Technology; FAO Forestry expert, Amman, Jordan.
• Challenges and opportunities for UPF in Tunis, Tunisia – by Maher Ben Abdallah, Executive Managing
Director, URBA.DEV; FAO Forestry expert, Tunis, Tunisia
• Launch of the publication “Urban forestry and urban greening in drylands: improving resilience, health,
and wellbeing of urban communities” – by Simone Borelli, Urban Forestry Officer, FAO